Saturday, August 05, 2006


I Love Barney so much... I can call his name now : Baaaneeey....
I even came to his super short show at Pondok Indah Mall last July 2006. Here're some picture to tell :

I got chance to take picture with him too...

As you can see, at the end I must admit, he is a BIG Dinosours... I'm not kinda ready... Huhuhu


l3l1 said...

thanks ya inputnya shin. oya, dvd baby einstein udah dapet? kemaren gue baru beli lagi dimangdu.. banyak bangett... cuman goceng satunya. oiya, orlando minum susu apa shin?

Stephen Ide said...

Can you show me the box with the 2 Kids on it Pretending to Catch Raindrops