Friday, November 25, 2005

Belajar Pegang Botol

Olan sudah bisa pegang botol yang ada pegangannya untuk minum susu. Ini dibeliin botol susu yang bertangkai pegangan, dan dalamnya ada sedotannya, jadi ga perlu diangkat-angkat kalau lagi nyedot susunya.
Duuh gayanya...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Wonderful Life

I have just finished the last episode of Wonderful Life, a Korean TV Dorama roled by Kim Jae Won and Eugene. I watched the series accidentally, since my sister rent them for this holidays. I'm not a dorama watcher kinda woman. This was happening too when i watched Full House by Rain and Song He Kyo on my maternity leaves.
But the effect between that two doramas is totally different. Is like sugar and spicy food. Why? Well, Full House made me laugh, a lot... (for you who don't know me, i laugh easily). But this Wonder Life, I burst into tears in the last episodes... Though is ending happily...

A note of heart :
My biggest fear (and probably all the mothers in the world) is losing my child. Being away from him is already heart throbbing. And my biggest passion is raising him (and his sibling soon) with TLC, but not dotted him.
One thing i (and you) must remember, parents fight will always hurt children. Maybe its barely noticed, but deep inside their heart they will always remember. Avoid that loud talking, cursing, door slamming and worst, physical abuse.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Holiday Episode : Swimming Again...

Opa mau renang lagi hari ini. This time we're going too, coz Orlando is in good condition and i already get well from my flu. We arrive at pool at 3.00 pm, it's a little bit crowded than the last time we came. Probably because it's holidays.
Orlando, as usually when he is in the middle of the crowd, looks happy. Look at that smile...

I take off his shirt and bring him into water. Woow, look at that... He do that splish splash...

Orlando loves water since he was born. He never cries when we bath him, and even when he cried, he turned calm while bathing.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Start a Note of Heart

Once I made this blog, was actually for test purpose only. Coz I've made two others blogs before in here and here. I made this one to simulate template design which i customized. I'm not a web designer pro, until now i don't even understand how can those code "begin", "end", "header" "footer" blah blah blah can't change into great display in the end. So, with trial and error methode i try to change the standard template into something more "ME".
But then i thought, why wasted this blog, i need place to blah blah... Like now... Maybe like behind the scene of my life? Well, i'll try to keep this blog neat and updates, put something interesting in it. But maybe what you'll find most is my note of heart...
I think everybody need a note of heart...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ke Semarang Lagi (Horray, Long Holidays...)

Holidays!!! Let's fly mama.... We'll meet Oma and Opa again...
Deg-deg'an deh meskipun ini kedua kalinya bawa Olan on trip. Ternyata kekhawatiran itu cukup terbukti, di ruang tunggu aja udah ga bisa diem... Lincah banget... smile kanan kiri... So Olan... Tapi enaknya, Olan udah bisa duduk sendiri... Jadi Mama ga terlalu repot lagi...
During the flight, Olan mulai rewel karena ngantuk... Untung ga lama, langsung bobo dengan nyedot air dari botol dot mungilnya...
Pas landing, Olan bangung... Ayoo sayang, kita ketemu Oma, Opa dan Aie Siska. Haiiiii.... Langsung deh, Olan di gendong Oma... dicium-cium, mmuah... kangennya...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

My First Action

Mom entering me into some baby competition, so this is one of my pose to win the judges' heart.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Back to Jakarta

Now, I don’t know how many time I’ve said this : time passes by so fast. This day finally come, time to go and bring Orlando back to home at Jakarta. Andri came yesterday so we can go back together. It’s a little bit frightening me thinking about going just a three of us, since all this time Mom put a lot of helps of taking care Orlando. But hey, I think I can’t use that mother instinct thing, right?
We take train again this time, since Andri insist that Orlando is not ready for plane trip.
It’s time, say good bye for a while to Oma and Opa…
Mom accompanied us to the station. It feel so hard to say good bye, I believe Mom will really miss Orlando. The train starts its engine, another wave good bye… See you soon Oma. We’ll visit you on holidays…

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy One Month!

Today Orlando is One Month old. So amazing, while I still think back those time I carried him inside my body, then the delivery moment, he is now already here as a real person. Not just a kick or a bump.
I woke up this morning to see this little face sleeping peacefully. Laid a hand on his soft hair which will be shaved today. Oh, I still hate this shaving idea; I love Orlando’s natural thick and soft hair. But I couldn't much argue when it’s about tradition. Beside, Mom said that baby’s first hair will keep falling, so better shave it, and then it will grow back soon better than before.
After morning bath, I dressed him in red (another tradition query). He is so cute and "kinclong"...kikiki...

For this celebration, we have ordered cakes for friends and relatives. And Mom bought ‘kue ku’, ‘bolu kukus’ and made ‘red boiled eggs and ‘bapau’. Ok, take a picture… *click*

Next, shaving part! This is it Orlando, you’re going to be bald honey *sobbing* First, Mom shaved Orlando’s head while I cuddled him. I don’t have a gut to shave that delicate head skin. But then I became so impatience and want this to finish soon, finally I help Mom to shave. Well, not as tricky as I assume, but still must be really careful. And here’s the result…
Happy One Month Orlando, Mama wish you to grow up fast (and so is the hair…)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Those Sleepless Nite

I've been sleepless lately... Orlando seems still confuse about nite and day, coz he keep sleeping during the day, and has his sparkling eyes open at nite. It would not be that bad if he has not got that Colic thing. It makes him crying for minutes, and driving me panic. Mom and her friends say that this will slowly change as he reach 1 month.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Your Name is Orlando, Orlando Jonathan

Why Orlando Jonathan? Here are some thoughts when I and Andri plan the name :

1. I love that Legolas character in the Lord of The Ring trilogy,
and after since I love the actor who play it, Orlando Bloom. Come on, look at that face... *blink*
2. The name Orlando isn't commonly used yet, well at least in Indonesia... But still not hard to spell or say it.
3. Orlando means famous, and Jonathan means Gift from God. Orlando Jonathan = Gift from God who we hopefully be famous in the good way. Jonathan is Andri's choice.

So, that's my son, the resume of your name, i believe you will ask about this one day...

Note : Will this cute little boy turns to be a hunk above? *wish,wish,wish*

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Daddy comes...

Mom said that I was born 10 days earlier. And that's why Daddy couldn't attend my arrival. Well, since he is already coming today, I think I can't forgive him.

He looks excited :
"Hi Orlando, here's Daddy, here's Daddy"

He takes lots photos and video of me. Here’re times he's trying to tie a father and son bond... or say : to make up with me...

Friday, April 08, 2005

Coming Home...

Time to go home... I wonder would it be as nice as in here? I have been famous in here you know... But wooow, Grandma surely has prepared everything... Now, my first nap in home sweet home...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

First Day

I have been out here for a day. I've meet Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Yudi and Aunt Sisca. Where's Dad? I heard his sound while i was inside, but nobody's here sound like him...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Welcome Orlando

Setelah kurang lebih 38 minggu di kandungan, bayiku ini akhirnya udah ga sabar mau liat dunia. 10 hari lebih cepat dari prediksi Dokter, Orlando Jonathan lahir dengan panjang 49 cm dan berat 2,9 kg.
Proses kelahiran termasuk cepat, here're the details :

Semarang, 05 April 2005
03.10 subuh
Kebangun dari tidur, batuk-batuk dan seperti biasa, sejak kandungan masuk usia 6 bulan, susah nahan kencing. Akhirnya kabur ke kamar mandi. Udahannya ga bisa tidur, jadi nonton TV ajah. Eh, 30 menit kemudian, tau-tau kok keluar air, lah tapi ini rasanya beda dari sekedar pipis deh, benar2 ga ketahan. What happen? Kabur lagi ke kamar mandi. Di situ air masih keluar terus, akhirnya bisik-bisik bangunin mama. Waaks, kata mama itu air ketuban. PANIC!

04.30 subuh
Seisi rumah udah bangun dengan kehebohan ini, Yudi apalagi, kebangun gara-gara denger aku nangis, terus begitu tau aku udah mau lahiran, tau-tau loncat keluar kamar. Ga lama kedengeran mobil distater. Mama sampe kaget, terus ngasih tau kalo udah panggil sopir. Oooh... hahaha...

05.30 pagi
Sampai di RS Elizabeth, didorong pake kursi roda ke kamar bersalin. Sampe sana diperiksa bukaannya sama suster/bidan jaga. Baru bukaan 1. Disuruh mandi, ganti baju pasien terus tiduran. Ditawarin makan. Yang nemenin Yudi, mama hari ini harus ngurus sembayang Cen Beng, jadi pulang dulu. Katanya sekalian ngambilin barang-barang yang mau dibawa ke RS.

08.00 pagi
Kontraksi udah mulai sering. Sakit juga sih, tapi belum parah... Sepanjang nunggu ini ngobrol ama Yudi, becanda-becanda, syuting2 pake HP. Jadi ga berasa. Diperiksa suster masih bukaan 2. Duuh... Boring banget...

10.00 pagi
Kontraksi udah makin dekat dan makin sakit.... mulai BT... Dibilangin suster, kalau mau cepat bukaannya baring miring ke kiri. Yaah karena dah bosan terlentang akhirnya ngikutin saran suster itu ajah. Eh, abis itu, kontraksi dan sakitnya tambah parah... Mana ngantuk juga... Jadi kalo kontraksi berhenti sempet ketiduran juga. Yudi jagain terus, malah ngelus-ngelus tanganku juga, hahaha... Tampangnya kuatir gitu... Sampai jam segini mama udah sempat dateng lagi ke RS, tapi karena belum ada perkembangan banget, pulang lagi deh.

11.10 siang
Ga tahaaaan... sakit banget, dan akhirnya aku ngerasain pengen ngejan. Ternyata yang dibilang dibuku itu benar, akan tiba saatnya pengen ngejan. Aku panggil suster, terus dia periksa bukaanku. Tanpa bilang bukaan berapa, dia kasih instruksi ajah untuk ngejan di kontraksi berikut. Waktu aku lakuin, berasa tuh si baby meluncur, tapi ga sampe keluar... Aduuh sakitnya tambah parah...

12.00 siang
Akhirnya Dr. Lily dateng, rupanya dari tadi aku harus nunggu dia, yang mungkin jalan dari tempat prakteknya setelah dipanggil. Ga lama-lama lagi, begitu dokter pake celemek, aku disiapin dengan disiram cairan antiseptik, angkat kaki ke penopang, kontraksi datang, dan dengan sekali ngejan, loncatlah keluarlah si baby... Waaahh, aku masih ga sadar kalo proses persalinan udah selesai. Begitu tangisan si baby kedengeran, rasanya.... ga bisa dilukisin...

12.30 siang
Mama udah datang lagi pas si baby lahir. Setelah dibersihin, ditimbang dan disuntik vit K, baby ditunjukkin ke mama... Bangga pasti... (itu kata mama loh). Aku juga dalam proses penjahitan, dibersihin, pake stagen, lalu dikasih pegang baby untuk pertama kalinya, sekalian disuruh nyusuin, hihihi... feeling wierd, dan yang jelas belum bisa... Tapi proses bonding antara baby dan mommynya, memang ini harus dilakukan.

13.00 siang
Akhirnya aku didorong ke kamar istirahat, dengan baby disamping. Tapi waktu mau masuk kamar, kita dipisahin. Rasanya sedih, tapi kata suster, baby harus disusuin dulu... Nanti boleh dibawa masuk kamar kok... Sekarang mommnya harus istirahat dulu... Pasrah deh...

Udahannya itu ga bisa tidur juga... rasanya happy banget... Telpon2an ama Andri, sms ke temen2... Lega dan happy...