Friday, May 11, 2007

Puji Tuhan....

Puji Tuhan... Akhirnya Andri dapat tempat kerja baru. There's new path of life again ahead us. Another great plan of God, i believe so. Soalnya Andri rajin banget doa buat ini... He answered now.
Padahal proses rekrutmen udah berawal dari berbulan2 lalu loh. Can't even remember when it started. Dari masukin resume (atas referensi ex Manajer or sumthin' gitu deh), interview (setelah lamaa, ampe lupa) terus Psikotest bulan lalu, yang abis itu ga ada kabar2i. Di telponin pun si manajer or sumthin' yang interview dia juga ga bisa dihubungi. Terus tau2 dua hari yang lalu dapat panggilan untuk medical check up. Gue yang "always try not to be too positive" sebenarnya dah mikir, this is it. Only one more step... Dan bener aja (tapi ga nyangka cepet banget), hanya sehari dari medical check up itu, kemarin sore Andri dah dipanggil lagi untuk nego dan deal.
Akhirnya barusan Andri ngabarin, he take the job! The offers are so good, sampe ga percaya dengernya... He'll get a car (pinjem ya, bukan milik... kekeke), and top of all, the money of course, better than now... ya iya lah... harus! Kekeke...
I can't say much but thanking God. Sebenarnya bukan ga puas dengan pendapatan dia sekarang, we are both well payed (walo kadang gemez juga, karena doi boros, jadi tabungan ga nambah2). But keluh kesah dia soal kondisi kantor sekarang, his ignorant Boss, make him so depressed! Kasian juga ya, this is a reality of "money does'nt always satisfied you!"
Ya... jadi let us start this new walk in the new path with pray, :

"God, you give us the way, let us walk with Your bless. Thank you so much... you always give us the best things in life..."

Sekarang gue nih.... When will my virtual shop will be opened? Hehehe... soon ya!

Can't wait 15 Mei 2007!

Oh ya, today is Yudi's B'day! Happy Birthday Bro! God Bless You! May all your dream come true! (he's a dream catcher, you know!)

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